The Bentley Rugby Memorial Award was created to honor the lives of Justin “Bam Bam” Onorato and Ruari O’Shea.  Justin and Ruari were cherished members of the Bentley Rugby community who were taken from us far too soon.  Our initial goal was to raise $50,000 so that we could partner with Bentley University, as the Award administrator, and present a deserving member of the Men’s Undergraduate Rugby Team with an annual award in perpetuity.  

We are proud to report that we have achieved our first milestone and the Bentley Rugby Memorial Award, in partnership with Bentley University, will be granted annually in perpetuity!  The selection process will involve representatives from Justin and Ruari’s families, the current coach of the team, representatives from Bentley University, and two Alumni representatives.  The recipient of the award will be an individual who truly encompasses everything that Justin and Ruari represented.  While they are no longer with us, their memories will live on through their contributions to the club, the incredible relationships that they forged, and this annual award in their honor.  

Please note that 100% of all proceeds will go towards the annual award, honoring their legacies.

To our Fallen Brothers:
“Grieve not…
Nor speak of me with tears…
But laugh and talk of me as though I were beside you!”